Friday 20 November 2015


1) The tone of ''come to me'' is commanding, creating a sense of power and assertion in the speaker in the midst of their struggling character.
2) They feel this entrapment and nostalgia due to the separation from their love- the memory of their experience binds them to feelings of negativity and loss.

3) They feel this entrapment and nostalgia due to the separation from their love- the memory of their experience binds them to feelings of negativity and loss.

4) In this speakers version of Paradise- despite the idea that Paradise is the most beautiful place in existance- the souls within Paradise appear to feel a sense of entrapment and controversially, unsatisfaction. In the souls ''thirsting, longing eyes'' it is revealed that despite their position in Paradise, the souls are somewhat unfufilled, as if something missing from their considered highly fortunate situation.

The speaker uses a tone of anxiety in order to emphasise the sense of entrapment and unsatisfaction, as they meticulously watch the door to Paradise open, close but ''let out no more''. This technique of anxiety emphasises the incessant longing and loss these souls feel, even if only for the sake of nostalgia.

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